Safety assessment
Safety assessment by an independent assessor is one of the necessary steps of the approval process leading to the approval of the railway operator using the product on the railway route.
Safety is assessed in accordance with the CENELEC standards contained in the following standards: ČSN EN 50126-1, ČSN EN 50129, ČSN EN 50128, ČSN EN 50159 and others.
For the railway routes owned by the State, the safety assessment follows hereinafter the RIA (SŽDC s.o.) directive Nr. 34 - Directive for the commissioning of products that are part of the communication and signalling systems and electrical and power engineering devices installed into the railway infrastructure owned by the State, by means of the state organization Railway Infrastructure Administration.
Safety assessment is based on the following principles:
- independence
- expertise
The assessment process
The assessment process takes place in two stages:
Safety assessment and the issue of a report on the safety assessment for the test operation
Based on the assessment results of the test operation, the issue of the official safety assessment report for reuse
FULZAR s.r.o is a legal entity authorized by the Ministry of Transport in compliance with § 47 par. 4 of the act No. 266/1994 Coll. on railways, to conduct technical inspections and tests of the specific technical equipment on the electric railway, tram and trolleybus tracks in the field of :
- heavy electrical equipment of the railway signalling, communications, fire alarm and computer technology,
- signalling systems, the electrical circuits of which providing direct safety of rail transport.
Authorization certificate MT here
FULZAR s.r.o is a legal entity recognized by the Railway Infrastructure Administration as a safety assessor in accordance to the RIA Directive Nr. 34 - Directive for the commissioning of products that are part of the communication and signalling systems and electrical and power engineering devices installed into the railway infrastructure owned by the State, by means of the state organization Railway Infrastructure Administration.
The company is oficially recognized as an safety assessor in the field of the following railway signalling technology:
- relay applications and interfaces to other types of interlocking equipment and systems with uniquely defined relay or voltage interfaces to related systems
- safety circuits and connections with electronic discrete components
- control and checking circuits with internal or redundant HW safety
- power supply of all generations for the interlocking equipment
- applications using microprocessors for simple built-in applications and integrated extensive systems (such as electronic station interlocking, electronic level crossing interlocking system, etc.).
A certificate of recognition of the safety assessor here